" Mary Kate And Ashley Are So Not Hot "
Michelle Kuek
*clears throat* I OBJECT ! . I remember very distinctively a conversation i had with my friend Michelle on the ever popular Olsen Twins . Michelle insisted that they were no where near hot as quoted above as I insisted they were hot as hell ! Michelle being the ruthless woman/girl she is (See Michelle I Even Complimented You) insisted on asking around in school to see which of ur statements people agreed with.Amazingly ! the majority of people we asked agreed with Michelle.In my defence the ratio of guys to girls asked were like 1 : 3 .In her defence the ratio of people who agreed with her to those who agreed with me were like 5 : 1 out of six people we asked meaning only one person agreed to with my statement whom was surprisingly a girl ! I don't know whether its the whole guy/girl point of view thing but I'm ready to whole heartedly defend my case ! even though , no , i don't think Ive every watched any of their movies ( but I'm sure i own some , well at least i think my sister does ) and no , Ive never seen full house or the other sitcom they were on . But hell , them from being hotties. Common i cant be the only one , can i ? Besides their fan base of really old pedophiles and preteens from their teen years . I cant be the only one . Someone back me up here .
Dear Michelle,
Since I have nothing better to do . And was left utterly speechless after our little debate ! I'm challenging your thought/statement by pointing out why exactly i think the way i do towards the two innocent munchkins turned full grown and i mean Full Grown women !
Reasons I think Mary Kate And Ashley are Hot :
- They own a multi billion dollar empire ( probably reason enough for some ) but there's more
- Their Hot and Classy
- Both collage grads with a degree in something or another . Nothing is sexier than a woman with brains i must add .
- They were America's most wealthiest teens . i did say were
- They are since the year 2004 or was it 2003 Very much legal !
- If those weren't reasons enough to support my case , there's more !
- There's 2 of them , so do the math . If you cant ill break it down for you , 1+1 = 2 , 1 x 2 = 2 .. in other words double everything
- Double The Fun !
- Double The Hot Factor
- Not to mention Double the Size of their .......... Bank account !
- And Twice the amount of some unmentionables
- Phew ! i could go on all day but I'm sure that my other points aren't so much convincing !
So i really hope that i was convincing enough ! so if you are or are not convinced please vote in the poll I've put up !
Btw , i may agree with Michelle on the point she made on the way they dress .I get the whole 'boho-chic' style thing their trying to pull off but maybe they shouldnt go to overboard with it. I mean seriously wear clothes ure size . I get the whole " leave it to the imagination thing " but , cut a boy some slack here ! to think with all that cash they have they should seriously invest in a tank top !
Peace Out , Play Safe !