Chronicle's Of Narnia : Prince Caspian
Release Date : May 16,2008
Being A big fan of the Chronicle's Of Narnia.And being a total Epic fantasy movie junkie . Here's A movie im really hyped up for! Narnia was something i grew up with.You know what its like when you read a book like this and you kind of picture everything in your head like how would the characters look.So i kindda like seeing how will these characters that ive grown up with be portrayed on the silver screen.
At a really young age my father kindda was really tryna figure out how he could just get us interested in being me and my other two siblings,Reuben and Nicole.So i guess he did it with introducing us to some of his favourite classic books such as Lord Of The Rings And The Chronicles Of Narnia and also more buzzed about children's books such as Harry Potter.At that time, I think out of all three siblings i was the most reluctant to read at the time.Cause at that phase of my life,i really like you know...big words which you just cant miss and pictures in my books and if you could colour in it,was a plus for me.So after basically being left out of all the conversations revolving around harry potter and narnia i gave it a try.And now i've turned into a certified harry potter junkie.well not the really extreme kind.Just that i do get all hyped up over stuff.That makes me part nerd.
davee.. im a epic movie junkie too! and im absolutely a harry potter junkiee.. esp after reading that last book.. we can be nerds together 8p
haha..totally !..
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